Society Bye Laws 2019 In Marathi Pdf


[Under the Bye-Law No. 9] Specimen of Share Certificate
Society Bye Laws 2019 In Marathi Pdf

Appropriation of profits bye law no 147 45 xv. To write off of irrecoverable dues. Bye law no 148 45 xvi. Audit of accounts of the society bye law no 150 ‐ 152 45 xvii. Objects of the society, specified in these bye-laws. The society, immediately after its registration, may become a member of the Co-op Housing Federation of the District/Nard/ Taluka, the District Central Co-operative Bank. Of the District, and shall pay sums, from time to time, payable by it, under the bye-laws.


[Under the bye-law no.17(b)] The form of application for membership of the Society by a nominee/ Heir, who is a minor, through his Guardian/Legal Representative.


[Under Bye-laws Nos.19(B) and 66(v)] The form of application for membership of the Society by an individual


[Under the bye-law no. 17 (b) and 19 (A)(iv)] The Form of Undertaking to be furnished by the Prospective Member to use the Flat for the purpose for which it is allotted.


[Under the bye-law no. 19(A) (v)] The Form of undertaking to be furnished by the person, on whom the Prospective Non-earning member is dependent for discharge of liabilities to he Society.


[Under the bye-law no. 19(C)] The Form of application for membership of the Co-operative Housing Society by a Partnership Firm/ A Company/ A Public Trust or any other Body Corporate.

Conduct of Elections.—(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the bye-laws, in every society seats on the committee shall be reserved as per the provisions of sections 73-B and 73-C. (2) The election of members of Committee shall be held in Special General Meeting of the.


[Under the bye-law Nos. 19B & 19C] The Form of application for Associate Membership by an individual, who desires to hold shares jointly with another person, who is already admitted to membership of the Society.


[Under the Bye-law No. 19(B)] The Form of application for Associate Membership by an individual, where both the persons apply for associate membership at a time.


[Under the bye-law no. 19 (B)] The form of application to be made by a Firm, or a Company or any other Body Corporate for getting Associate Membership with such a person already been admitted as a member of the Society.


[under the bye-law no.19 (B)] The form of application to be made for Membership, when both i.e. any person & firm, company or the Body Corporate make an application at a time for Membership/ Associate Membership.


[Under the Bye-Law No. 118(v)] No Objection Certificate and Undertaking to be given by the Original Member to enable the intending Associate Member to become a Member of the Managing committee of the Society.


[Under the bye-laws No. 20 and 43(2) (ii)] The Form of application to be made for Nominal Membership by the Sub-lettee, the Licensee or the Care-taker.


[Under the Bye-laws Nos. 24 and 76 (a)] The form of Letter of Allotment of the Flat to the Member of the Society.


[Under the bye-law no.27(a)] The Form of Notice of Resignation of membership of the Society by a member.




[Under the Bye-law no. 34] The Form of application for membership by the Nominee / Nominees.


[Under the Bye-law no. 34] The Form of application for membership by the Nominee / Nominees.


[Under the bye-law no. 35] The Form of Notice, inviting claims or objections to the transfer of the shares and the interest of the Deceased Member in the Capital/Property of the Society. (To be published in two local newspaper having large publication)


[Under the bye-law no. 35] Application for Membership by the Heir of the Deceased Member of the Society.


[Under bye-law no. 34] FORM OF INDEMNITY BOND (To be given on Stamp Paper of Rs.200 or to be affixed with adhesive stamps of the same denomination.)


(Under the bye-law no.35) FORM OF INDEMNITY BOND (To be given on Stamp Paper of Rs. 200 or on a paper affixed with adhesive stamps of the same denominations.)

APPENDIX - 20 (1) & 20 (2)

[Under bye-law no. 34] 20 (1) FORM OF INDEMNITY BOND (To be given on Stamp Paper of Rs.200 or to be affixed with adhesive stamps of the same denomination.) [Under the Bye-law no. 38(a)] 20 (2) A Form of the letter of consent of the Proposed Transferee for the transfer of the shares and interest of the member (Transferor) to him (Transferee)


[Under Bye-law no. 38(e)(i)] Form of application for transfer of Shares and interest in the Capital/ Property of the Society by the Transferor (being an individual).


[Under bye-law no. 38(e)(i)] Form of application for Transfer of shares and interest in the Capital/Property of the Society by the transferor (Being a corporate Body)

Society Bye Laws 2019 In Marathi Pdf Free


[Under Bye-law No. 38(e)(ii)] Form of application for membership of the society by the Proposed Transferee (Being an Individual)


[Under the Bye-law No. 38(e)(ii)] Form of application for membership of the society by the Proposed Transferee (being a Body Corporate)

APPENDIX - 25 (1) & 25 (2)

25 (1) [Under the Bye-law No. 38(e)(xi)] A Form of Undertaking about the Registration of the Transfer of a Flat under- Section 269AB of the Income-Tax Act. 25 (2) (Under the Bye-laws Nos. 19A (vii) and (iv) Form of Undertaking about the registration of the acquisition of a flat under section 269 AB of the Income-Tax Act.


(Under the Bye-law No.40) A form of intimation by the society to the transferee about exercise of rights of membership by him.


[Under the Bye-law No, 43(2)(I)] A form of application for permission to sub-let, give on leave and licence or care-taker basis the flat or part thereof,


[Under the Bye-law No.62] Form of application for Permission to hold more than one flat.

Chapter I Preliminary 1. Registration of a society under Section 8 shal l be made in Form 'A' in Marathi, Hindi. First bye-laws of a society.

Maharashtra Co-operative Housing Society Bye Laws offer a clear set of guidelines for management of cooperative housing societies in the. Maharashtra Co-Operative Societies Act, 1960. Reserve Fund. 'Act' means the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act; (MCS Act). Bye Laws for Co-operative Housing Society in Maharashtra ApartmentADDA. Maharashtra cooperative housing society bye laws free download. Bye-Laws Of The Co-Operative Housing Societies.

Guidelines to Adopt new Byelaws Click here to open. MAHARASHTRA CIVIL SERVICE (PENSION) RULES 1981. Current Publication's Guide to Co-operative Housing Society Bye Laws Marathi. Marathi translation of co-operative housing society - KHANDBAHALE.

Model ByeLaws of Housing Cooperative Societies - Download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online. Cooperative housing society bye laws download in marathi. Free download cooperative housing society bye laws. The Society shall follow the procedure laid down under Section 15 of the Act and Rule 14 of the Rules for the change of its name.

Directing body of a cooperative Housing society,. Through Co-operative Housing Societies Act, Rules and bye laws based on them. (F) Utilisation of the Funds by the Society bye law no 14. Cooperative housing society bye laws download.

Housing societies are in Mumbai and Thane. Cooperative housing society bye laws download in english. MODEL BYE LAWS OF COOPERATIVE HOUSING SOCIETY: 1.

We're frequently asked about the documents that are required for housing society registration. Cooperative housing society bye laws download in marathi pdf. Creeper World 3 Keygen. Inspect free of cost books, registers documents etc. This document contains the procedure to take decision on various subject on the society level according to the co-operative Act, Rules, Bye-Laws and. Operative housing society bye laws pdf. Maharashtra co op societies byelaws in marathi word pdf - P(1.

Read The Maharashtra Co-op Societies Act & Rules (Marathi) book reviews & author details and more at Reserve Fund bye law no 14. Cooperative Housing Society, by whatever name called, to which. The Commissioner for Co-operation and Registrar, Co-operative Societies, Maharashtra State, Pune vide No. A Member shall have right to inspect free of cost books, registers documents etc. A Member shall have right to inspect free of cost books, registers documents etc. Section 15 of the Act and Rule 14 of the Rules for the change of its name.

Housing Society Bye Laws 2019 In Marathi Pdf

Op housing society bye laws in marathi pdf. (i) 'Act' means the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act; (MCS Act) 1960. Download or Read Online co operative society laws maharashtra book in our library is free for you.

Chief Promoter role to continue till First Special General Body Meeting [Bye-Law No. Open terrace means a terrace to which all members have access.[Bye-Law No. Recognizing the need of redevelopment and its impact with the passage of time.

Linking rights of members to the number of flats.[Bye-Law No. Giving papers to members within 15 days of request of the member.[Bye-Law No. Specifying time limit for certain acts. [Bye-Law No.

23,27[d],28,29,30,38[c],106,165] 7. Nominee cannot create interest in favour of third parties without establishing the rights of the legal heirs.[Bye-Law No.

Submission of stamp duty and registration receipt At the time of transfer of flat.[Bye-Law No. 41[6],38[e][4]] 9. Child labour prohibited from working in co-operative societies.[Bye-Law No.

50[b] and 161[c]] 10. Dues of society can be recovered from the legal heirs of the deceased member and /or the occupant. Structural audit to be done by structural engineer.[Bye-Law No. Member will not have a right to sell the parking space which has not purchased by him at the time of transfer of shares. Alcazar Disco Defenders Download Youtube more. [Bye-Law No.

Money of the society for day to day activities can be invested in scheduled co-operative bank or nationalised bank.Intimation of the same has to be given to the concerned registrar within 15 days from the date of opening of bank account.[Bye-Law No. If lady member is not willing to be a managing committee member than the said vacancy can be filled by other male member.[Bye-Law No. If share capital of the society exceed Rs.

10,000/- than voting has to be by secret ballot at the time of election of the society. [Bye-Law No. If a candidate pays the society dues prior to scrutiny of nominations than the said candidate would be eligible to contest the election. [Bye-Law No. No confidence motion cannot be moved within a period of six months from the date of moving the no confidence motion against the same office bearer if the earlier no confidence motion is rejected.[Bye-Law 118[b]] 18.

Casual vacancy can be filled not exceeding two seats. However the same will be done only with registrars consent. [Bye-Law No. Amounts above Rs. 1,500/- should be by Account payee cheque only. [Bye-Law No.

Honorarium that can be paid to office bearer not exceeding 15% of income or Rs. 2,000/- for each office bearer which ever is lower. [Bye-Law No. 149[b][2]] 21. Repair contract upto Rs. 1,00,000/- can be decided by committee with a right to give increase by 10% in the contract allotted to the lowest tender.

However in such cases committee will have to take the decision pertaining to quality of goods at its own risk [Bye-Law No. Every society will prepare disaster management plan which will include possibility and analysis of risk, stake with reference to the risk, responding mechanism to risk management.Important telephone No. To be maintained by society which will include the Tel. Of members and Government Officer concerned with emergency management. [Bye-Law No.

Society Bye Laws 2019 In Marathi Pdf Free Download

Stringent provision to ensure that the provision of Child Labour Act 1986 to be implemented. The penalty as per law on the erring party is one year imprisonment or fine Rs. Intimation to police authorities, social organisations, labour commissioner [Bye-Law No. To protect the interest of the widows of the members by restricting the right of the nominee to deal with the property.[Bye-Law No. 161[d]] 26.Maximum penalty that can be levied cannot exceed Rs.

Maharashtra Housing Society Bye Laws 2019 In Marathi Pdf

1,000/- [Bye-Law No. If a member is aggrieved with any decision of the general body than the complainant must approach the advisory committee and if satisfactory decision is not received than the complaint can lodge the complaint with the concerned Authorities. [Bye-Law No. Compliance of the terms and conditions of the circular dated with regards to redevelopment of the property.