Comments Made: 4582
Journals: 98
Dr Badger Trials In Tainted Space Hand The revolutionary gene-editing technology CRISPR-Cas9 is often described as “molecular scissors” for its ability to turn previously improbable feats of genetic.
Recent Journal
Is aggressively looking for any sign of the disease’s creator in hopes of finding an effective, easy-to-produce cure. She is considered armed and extremely dangerous. Please call your local Peacekeeper office if you have any information on Doctor Badger’s whereabouts, and DO NOT APPROACH HER PERSONALLY. Dr Badger Trials In Tainted Space The emperor, we should call to mind, was only a catechumen, imperfectly acquainted with Greek, much more incompetent in theology, and yet ambitious to exercise over the Church a dominion resembling that which, as Pontifex Maximus, he wielded over the worship.
An Unfortunate Update
a year agoThis was our first cat, adopted after less than a year living together. An age ago, multiple jobs ago, an entire house ago, a few cars, another cat, a marriage, a baby. She's remained. And now she won't. It's been a very rough time lately, early treatment giving us the sense we were turning her health around- and each successive round of treatment only revealing worse and worse until she's coming rapidly undone lately.
So it's come to this. We just lost a human family member very recently, and now a furry one's leaving too. It's been devastating. I apologize about a lack of updates (and I know, you lovelies always insist that it's okay- but I prefer to keep you in the loop as best I can) and just wanted to let everyone know. If you'd like to keep up with my person goings-on either through Twitter (most active) or Discord, feel free to use the above links. I may be quiet for a little while. There's been a lot of tears already, and it's about to get a lot worse.
Thank you ♥
European Badger
Skies of Arcadia
Yes Terry! Mine... FOR BRAINS!
Contact Information
Saw this and thought you'd be tickled.
Trials In Tainted Space Dr Badger
Trials In Tainted Space Dr Badger Valley
Have a badger Telegram group if youd want to join!